Digital Resources for Teaching

Resources for Using Apps Across the Curriculum
From Richard Beach and David O'Brien

App recommendation and review sites (see also further links)
I Education Apps Review (IEAR) involves over 500 educators, administrators and app developers providing review of apps.
Appitic organizes recommendations and reviews according to subjects (“Themes”), learning styles, Bloom taxonomy, and the NETS standards.
Discovr Apps app that creates an interactive map with links between apps based on similarities between apps so that you can begin with your familiar, favorite apps and then find other similar apps, along with descriptions and ratings for those apps.
Apps in Education is organized according to apps for different disciplines.
Appadvice AppGuides provides a lot of useful reviews organized according to a hierarchical category system of “essential,” “notable,” “decent,” and “other.”
App Miner (also an app) provides updated information on price change as well as search by topics or themes.
Teach with Your iPad wiki includes lots of useful categories for identifying apps according to grade level and use.
Appwylum includes a range of categories and provides information about price changes, as well as featured apps.
Quixey involves a “functional search” in which you enter in a certain task or activity you want to employ with an app and it generates a list of apps designed to employ those tasks or activity.
Texas Computing Educational Association (TCEA)is a Google Docs form with recommended apps based on specific types of activities, particularly useful for earlier grades. is organized around interest groups, including a teacher group, who provide app recommendations.
Chomp includes (also an app) includes searches for free, “trending,” new, and “all time greats” apps. 
Best App Site: Educationincludes reviews of apps in terms of relevancy to education.
EdShelf includes reviews of a wide range of different types of apps.
TeacherCast (also an app provides reviews by teachers for teachers on apps
eduTecher Backpack app provides reviews of educational websites and apps
TechChef4u app includes recommendations for apps by two teachers, particularly for elementary school.
App Start is an app that is particularly useful for initial selection of apps when first to use an iPad, iPhone, or iPad Touch.
i Meet app is an app that provides visual results of recommendations according to apps within different categories. iPads in Education: articles on uses of iPads in schools


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