PBD: Picturebooks with Books as Characters

I have been working on my new column for The Reading Teacher from IRA. This column will feature picturebooks that incorporate a book into their storyline or as a character in the book. These examples above all feature postmodern or metafictive elements, in particular self-referentiality, parody, and ambiguity. I love these books! They force the reader to be more active and involved in the story and playfully expose some of the narrative conventions readers take for granted.


  1. Love this genre - and children do, too. I find they really get the 'subversive' element and the picture book is something all children understand. I like to use these kinds of books as a genre study for writers workshop, too. Thanks for these titles - I can't wait to use these in my classroom now!

  2. I am putting together a new booklist for the website. I will share that with you when it's done


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