PBD: Wolf!

In addition to sharing some of my new favorite picturebooks, I will continue to reach back onto my favorites' shelf and share some picturebooks that have become tried and true resources for teacher workshops and for reading aloud and classroom discussions with young readers. Wolf! is one of my favorite books that I have incorporated into my booklist: Books About Readers and Reading - which can be found on my website at: http://www.frankserafini.com/book-lists/booksaboutreading.pdf

Wolf! is a story about a wolf that wanders into a town because he is hungry, and looks to the animals on a farm for some help acquiring food. The animals are reluctant to share ideas with the wolf because they are "educated" animals that prefer to read than engage with an illiterate wolf. The wolf goes to school, the library, and eventually a bookstore in his quest to become a reader and a member of the educated animals' community. The changes in the wolf are reflected in his appearance, his behaviors, and his ability to read. A great book for starting a classroom discussion about what it means to be a reader.


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